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joi, 2 iulie 2009



Beckford, Poe, Dumas, Verne, ‘Halimaua’, Scott, May, basme, Homer, Boothby, Dra. Bowen, Stevenson,
A plonja.
Petrarca, Dante, Leopardi, ermetiştii, Boiardo, Ariosto, Tasso.
Chénier, Hugo.
Risipa ....
Risipa cvadruplã.
Scurta grilã a lui Stevenson.
Dupã nouã cãrţi.
Mari cãrţi ale goticului (Beckford; Dna. Radcliffe; Poe; Stoker; Stevenson; Doyle).
Originalitatea—ce vroia—ce citea—moş B., Episcopul—Eposcopul, JG—romane SF, vârsta.
Atmosfera—Poe, Doyle, Carr, Chesterton, recomandarea Episcopului.
Tolstoi, Poe, Matei;4 x HJ. Boarduri.
Dosar ....
Antebelicii. Atmosfera. Jekyll, Holmes .... Pastişe.
Nota de inconsistenţã a hispanicilor.
Ca GT di L; instinct, simţ; ‚88.
Tabelele ...& câţiva autori (Beyle, Tolstoi).
A plonja. Autori—ca la JG. Loara, vreme. Vremea.
Chartier, JG, GT di L. Filiaţia e realã şi notatã (i—a fost elev).
Original—a bascula—cei şase autori ai lui Stevenson, cei şapte ai lui moş B.—A., JG, moş B., RLS, GT di L—un nescoţian. De la un nescoţian.
Quinet, Michelet şi Academiei.
Râs bolnãvicios.
Actual fizician. Inginer.
'Stout's storytelling can also be superb. Like Van Dine, he knows how to make a really interesting tale unfold’
‘a long series of medical sleuths, notably R. Austin Freeman's Dr. Thorndyke, Mary Roberts Rinehart's Miss Pinkerton, Theodora Du Bois' Dr. Jeffrey McNeill, George Harmon Coxe's Dr. Paul Standish, and Lawrence G. Blochman's Dr. Coffee’
‘pioneering works as Helen McCloy's The Dance of Death (1938), and Anthony Gilbert's The Woman in Red (1941), the latter being made into a superb film directed by Joseph H. Lewis, My Name is Julia Ross (1945)’
‘One of the best film noir thrillers of the 40's, Fritz Lang's Secret Behind the Door (1948), was based on King's novel Museum Piece No 13 (1946)’
'While the basic idea is simple, the impossible crime here shows imagination in its storytelling trappings. It is not related to the Zangwill-Chesterton tradition of rearrangements in space and time. Instead, it recalls the impossible crimes in S. S. Van Dine and Edgar Wallace, in its simpler technical approach, and the colorful storytelling woven around it’
Nu mã intereseazã literatura ca ‚fenomen cultural’, sau ca ‚document cultural’, ci ca artã.
Motivele [estetice].
Risipa ....
Risipa cvadruplã [Twain; Dan; Scott; ‚Oz’].
Gândit ca serviciu estetic, ca şi crez de artã—Gracq, Dna. Y., Tournier, Chartier, Foarţã, Lovinescu, Lang, Stevenson, Sebastian—nesaţul real.
Tânãrul Lovinescu—ce citea.
Englezii. Puritatea. ’92.
Licornul, ‚Cântecul cucuvelei’ (macedonean). ZOOMAHIA. NEMURITORII—‚unul din cele mai reuşite ...’.
Romane SF, vârsta. Impulsul. Completist—orã.
Evreul interb.; tandemul de romancieri. Cantemir, unii ardeleni.

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