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vineri, 22 mai 2009

Lang este un scriitor aşa de fascinant—pe de o parte, romanele de aventuri despre care scria—iar pe de alta, filologie homericã, istorie, folclor, ştiinţa mitului.
"Her mother read to her very willingly, and never got tired of reciting stories. Sutcliff was reared on a diet of Beatrix Potter, A.A. Milne, Charles Dickens, Hans Anderson [sic!], Kenneth Grahame and Rudyard Kipling. She was read Norse, Celtic and Saxon legends, and also historical novels which her mother loved".
O idee limpede cã este vorba despre arta povestitului—şi despre a fi un mare povestitor—ceea ce nu ĩnseamnã NUMAI narator. (‚Narator de poveşti’ ar fi decalcul.)
Mizanscena unor lucruri interesante. Fãrã punerea ĩn scenã, fãrã vizarea unui efect anume, ‚interesantul’ e pleavã. Simţul mizanscenei, al unghiului.

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