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luni, 16 februarie 2015

Alte referinţe pentru enciclopedia prostiei (în fandomul anglofon)

‘I think a lot of change in society is a result of the long term changes of small (as then understood) legal or societal changes ages ago. Kind of a butterfly effect + psychohistory’

‘I’ll mention one of my preferred anticipation story:
It’s a short story written by Jules Verne in 1889, called “The Day of an American Journalist in 2889”. He wrote it as a fantasy set 1000 years in his future. Yet _everything_ in it was actually possible in 1989, only 100 years in his future [―›posibilitãţile realizate ale anticipaţiei sunt cele care urmeazã]. With modern words (very different from the ones used in the story) this tells how the CNN CEO wakes up in New York, calls his wife who’s in London, wanders around the CNN offices for a while, then jumps into the first Concorde bound for London, and spends the evening with her in London.
The social relations in the story (like the status of workers in the CNN offices) are definitely 19th century! Yet this does not make the story ridiculous, all the contrary. It has a delicious nostalgic feel about it, like that of uchronias like the movie Wild Wild West’
[remarc faptul cã referinţa popularã obligatorie e filmul ‘Vestul …’, nu serialul]
[ceea ce primeazã e tonul de condescendenţã grobianã, şi entuziasmul gãselniţei vehiculate, juxtapuse agramatismului patent; rezumatul povestirii e, aşa cum era de aşteptat, greşit: soţia revine, şi nu de la Londra, iar puţinul care îi pare actual oligofrenului e atât de general, încât nu meritã menţionat: autorul francez a anticipat cã magnaţii presei vor avea soţii, vor inspecta afacerile şi vor avea conversaţii …, e ca rezumatul unui banc neînţeles]

Comunicarea modernã le dã neandertalienilor iluzia ‘accesului la idei’. Scopul majoritãţii acestor oligofreni e vehicularea ideilor. Au nevoie de iluzia cã gândesc, cã raţioneazã. Stross şi Pinker gândesc de-a-ndoaselea: ‘domesticirea’ se numeşte ‘civilizare’, iar neasemãnãrile primeazã. Mehlemul acesta de ignoranţã, lipsã de umor, şi prostie groasã, refractarã.

‘Merely tweaking brain development so that Boca's Area is larger would help/ able to be abused, it is true, but that only makes the storyline better’