sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013
Ascult, din când în când, death—deşi nu atât de mult ca la 16 ani—sunt câteva cântece pe care le apreciez—‘Isengard’ al lui Cirith Gorgor, ‘Hades’, ‘Facing the Thousand’—mai nou, Hypocrisy—într—o vreme, ‘Pakanajuhla’, care nu e chiar death, ‘Snowdrifts’, ‘Lethe’, Haggard, ‘Flowers in the Rain’—o baladã death, imnurile Wintersun …. Nu toate aceste cântece, sunt, probabil, death în sensul strict …. Death—şi muzici adiacente. Vitalitatea genului e remarcabilã.
Însã abia azi, sb., vãd cã şi M. D. Bride au un cover ‘Roads’, nu ştiu dacã la momentul întâiei audiţii îmi putuse scãpa ….
marți, 22 ianuarie 2013
I read these yearly; other years’ answers seemed more interesting, and also more literate—there’s size—but this year quite a few answers look hastily, carelessly written, unpolished and even unkempt. It’s remarkable how few of the respondents read any literature at all, novels, etc.—but then again, more power to those who are able to offer interesting recommendations—Percy, Powers, Anderson, Clancy, Dickens, fortunately Shakespeare, Defoe, Verne, Kafka, Penelope F., a few others also …. Sullivan and Birzer mention Rush—I liked the music spoken of.
But perhaps intellectuals these days are too busy with ‘the challenges confronting the pontiff’, so the literature is gently left aside.
Three other things—what’s a compellation, dear M.A. in theology and Dawson savvy?—what’s a vermicular book?—and if one has a short attention—span, or little patience, or whatever, perhaps he shouldn’t complain about each book being ‘a little slow and occasionally tedious’, ‘dull’, ‘short of that mark’, ‘occasionally tedious’ [again!]—if the best books you read were tedious and dull, then find other ways to spend the free time.
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