sâmbătă, 30 iunie 2012
Cu excepţia lui Dumitriu, niciunul dintre cartezienii pe care îi ştiu (adicã, Noica şi Chartier) nu a pãrut prea interesat de legãturile lui Descartes cu Montaigne şi cu Galilei, cu noua fizicã—şi, în general, cu lumea intelectualã a vremii lui.
istoria filozofiei
marți, 26 iunie 2012
În pamfletul sãu împotriva teoriei cometelor a iezuitului Grassi, Galileo se înţelege pe sine în acelaşi fel ca Montaigne—drept acela care testeazã, care pune la încercare. Nu e vorba de ‘modestia încercãrii’, de asumarea vreunui provizorat, ci, dimpotrivã, de a estima, de a evalua. Italianul dã înţelesul corect, autentic, al eseisticii. Eseistul e cel care evalueazã, care testeazã. A încerca nu înseamnã a tenta, ci a testa, a evalua.
Galilei cântãreşte ‘lucrurile cuprinse în ‘Libra astronomica …’. Le încearcã, le evalueazã. Nu e vorba de prudenţã—ci, dimpotrivã, de asumarea unei funcţii de apreciere.
Galilei cântãreşte ‘lucrurile cuprinse în ‘Libra astronomica …’. Le încearcã, le evalueazã. Nu e vorba de prudenţã—ci, dimpotrivã, de asumarea unei funcţii de apreciere.
Câteva excerpte pentru uz propriu din scrierile lui Fraser despre thrilleruri
what every airport newsstand thriller ought to be: a multiperspectival novel of a hundred and eighty-nine paperback pages, none of them superfluous
an ideal summer read, an ideal winter read, too, when you want to get away to the sights and smells and drinks and general texture of the tropics
Hamilton is one of the three best American thriller writers, the other two being Dashiell Hammett and Ross Thomas
the Helm books, the twenty-eight-volume series about counterterrorist government agent Matt Helm that began in 1960 with Death of a Citizen and continued into the Nineties
[Ep. Sigrist. V. Queneau& ‘Fantomas’. Evreul Stahl, Teachout, ‘Bond’, merite/ opincarul.]
the best of his five excellent Westerns, Smoky Valley (1954), has a similar clarity, firmness of outline, physicality, and abundance of memorable scenes
The Helm books weren’t the first important American series about a government secret agent. So far as I know, Edward S. Aarons started things off with Sam Durrell in Assignment to Disaster (1955)
The Mona Intercept is a valiant try at a multiperspectival, fat-best-seller, airport-newsstand thriller, a splendid read in parts, less than convincing in others, though never dull; a thinking person’s precursor to Frederick Forsyth’s big-ship thriller, The Devil’s Alternative (1982)
AP—plajã& francezii—‘garã’& muzicianul—‘senzaţionalul’.
an ideal summer read, an ideal winter read, too, when you want to get away to the sights and smells and drinks and general texture of the tropics
Hamilton is one of the three best American thriller writers, the other two being Dashiell Hammett and Ross Thomas
the Helm books, the twenty-eight-volume series about counterterrorist government agent Matt Helm that began in 1960 with Death of a Citizen and continued into the Nineties
[Ep. Sigrist. V. Queneau& ‘Fantomas’. Evreul Stahl, Teachout, ‘Bond’, merite/ opincarul.]
the best of his five excellent Westerns, Smoky Valley (1954), has a similar clarity, firmness of outline, physicality, and abundance of memorable scenes
The Helm books weren’t the first important American series about a government secret agent. So far as I know, Edward S. Aarons started things off with Sam Durrell in Assignment to Disaster (1955)
The Mona Intercept is a valiant try at a multiperspectival, fat-best-seller, airport-newsstand thriller, a splendid read in parts, less than convincing in others, though never dull; a thinking person’s precursor to Frederick Forsyth’s big-ship thriller, The Devil’s Alternative (1982)
AP—plajã& francezii—‘garã’& muzicianul—‘senzaţionalul’.
literaturã de gen şi popularã adnotatã,
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